Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Monkey Mind and Meditation

The Monkey Mind and Meditation

The monkey mind is a common term people who meditate use to describe that wild part of their mind which wants to play, distract them, and constantly interrupt their thinking with unrelated thoughts. I have told Shermeen , Nicole and Marti that I would write something about the monkey mind and I will introduce him soon!

Has anyone experienced the monkey mind when trying to meditate or to pray?I would say yes I have experienced it!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Most of the time I can go into a meditative state pretty easily these days, but I dont do it as much as I used to.

Anonymous said...

My mind is never a one tracked thing...

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have ever felt the monkey mind.  Unfortunately, I don't have enough playfulness in my brain.  Sigh.
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I think Monkey Mind aptly describes the state of my mind when I intentionally want to meditate... or pray, even. I haven't found a way to control it. Maybe I should read what the Buddhist followers do to control the mind-monkeying, and apply it to Christian concepts. For example, Buddhists often use a Rosary of beads to help them keep focused during meditations... and Catholics use the Rosary beads to help them keep focused on the Mysteries of their faith, while reciting prayers addressed to God, Mary, and Jesus. While Protestants don't approve of praying to Mary, the beads can still be a  helpful way to focus on recitation of prayers. Recitation helps remove the monkey mind! I will look into this idea. Bea

Anonymous said...

Everytime I want to pray or meditate. When i attempt candle gazing my mind wonders. when i pray my mind wonders and involuntarily yawn. every time.

shermeen xx