Sunday, July 30, 2006

Tell us about Your Favorite Mentor; or One of them

Google did the pictures

Tell Us About your Favorite Mentor: Or one of Them

My favorite mentor early on taught us that we had to carry on and continue working even when our own bosses and friends had given up. She was all about perserverence and hard work.

We always loved her; event hough she asked a lot of work from us. I think we thought that she asked a lot from us because she knew that we had a lot to offer.

your turn


Anonymous said...

Here's a quote from my mentor....

"When I walk into a bar or someone's place of work, they're sh*t-scared...... they know I ain't no cop.... they think I'm coming to kill 'em... and I would."

Anonymous said...

My favorite mentor was my Mother. She was a wonderful mother, friend, & role model. I miss her so!
Hugs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

My favorite mentor was my Mother. She was a wonderful mother, friend, & role model. I miss her so!
Hugs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

My mentor is a great big Viking of a professor I had in college who said if you cant laugh, you shouldnt try to teach.

Anonymous said...

I posted this one in my blog too.  :)