Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Network for Good

Network for Good

John Scalzi,blogger of By The Way blog, our notorious blog leader has talked about New Orleans and the surrounding area and all of the trouble that they are in now due to the hurricane Katrina.He has suggested that we may want to give money to the Red Cross at 1800 HELP NOW or

or we could look up Network for Good, a group that posts a very informative site with lots of buttons! The buttons are great becasue they list different shelters,non profit charities , services and information on conditions there in New Orleans. Worth a look....                              


Anonymous said...

My prayers and money just don't seem to be enough. I wish there was more I could do...

Anonymous said...

I love the Network for Good Before Katrina I never knew it existed

I was so overwhelmed when I saw all of the resources available on one site

It made me feel a slight relief too. That may sound silly, but to know so many things are readily available instead of searching for them we can spend more time helping people :)
