Friday, December 16, 2005

Who is this man?

Who is this man?

In line with the holidays I post this request: please leave me a comment on who this man is.I will leave the answer next week.


1.He and his assistants arrive on the roof.

2. His assistants are Moors from Africa.

However, he himself is not from Africa.

3.He leaves you good things if youare good :), and bad things if youare not!:(

4. He collects nice toys and things and he delivers them to the poor kids in town.

Okay! please let me know!


Nicole guessed correctly...

His name was Saint Nicolas.

He worked the poor neighborhoods in a small town in Spain. He became famous in Europe , where his birthday is still celebrated on December th 5th.He was famous because he loved all people and all children and he tried to see to it that the poor children receive toys too.

On December 5th, children will go visit this man with the bishop's hat and mitre in Europe and in parts of Amercia. The bishop will mention what the child has done very well and also not so well that year. The child will receive asmall token of the Saint's admiration, as long as he or she was good. The child knows that if he or she was too bad, the Moors ( assistants to Saint Nick) will throw them ina bag and take them off to Spain!

This character was the model for Santa Claus. His hat and suit were modified but his spirit of generosity remained the same!


Anonymous said...

I am guessing he is the African version of an American Santa Claus?

Anonymous said...

Okay, you got me!  I'll go with what she said.  Sounds a lot like Santa, and I've seen a few black ones . . .Blessings, Penny

Anonymous said...

My second and third guess would be either the European St. Nick or a Scottish version of the same sort....going with the Moore reference there...

Anonymous said...

ANd the winner Is Coco alias Nicole! She guessed that beloved bishop from Spain! Anyone else know his name?

Anonymous said...

Rick just asked me on Sunday if there was a Santa Claus once upon a time and i couldnt answer it. Now i can!! LOVE, lisa jo

Anonymous said...

This man is you and me! Everytime we go out of our way to find the way to put a smaile in a child or an adult, we are him. And this man is the Spirit and the Spirit is us. Thank You for the inspiration. Merry Christmas, Hoh, Hoh, Hoh!!!

Anonymous said...

Also Nicholas grew up very wealthy and was left all the wealth after his parents died, but he never kept it for himself, and instead gave it to people that were suffering instead.  Now that's a wonderful person that deserves to be celebrated.
Hugs and love,