Why High Rates of Aids in Hispanic Youths?: A Study
Health Resources and Services Administration
Hispanics and HIV/AIDs in the United States
Education Week
"New Study Documents the Need for 'Culture Sensitve" Aids education "
The researchers at HRSA state that although Hispanics were only 14% of the U.S. population 2004; they had 20.4% of the Aids cases reported.
HRSA stated that due to socioeconomic factors Hispanics have a lower graduation rate from high school(58.4%) compared with (80.6%) of African Americans and (90%0 of whites.Man subpopulations -like migrant workers- live below the poverty line.
The HenryJ. Kaiser Family Foundation says that Hispanics(73%) get most of their information about HIV/AIDS from the media. The foundation says that HIspanics do not have a "cultural tradition" of "preventative care".
Thye have accepted myths concering the way that Aids is transfered as well.
In Education Week , Debra Viadero "New Study Documents the Need for 'Culture sensitive Aids Education", Viadero sates that teens, both African American adn Hispanic are not receiving enough information about how Aids is spread.
This surprised me! I had just read in an APA article of this summer that nothing has changed! What do you think?
How can we improve this?
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I know that this is a tough entry. I wrote it because I think more education has to be passed along about Aids to young kids who are newer immigrants and Hispanic.
Education about AIDS/HIV is being given in the high schools ... if about 50% of teen Hispanics are dropping out of school (for whatever reason) or not graduating, it makes sense that they are not getting the education/information about AIDS/HIV. Many do not go to the doctor when they are ill, or for preventive health care, although a doctor's office is a good place to receive information. No wonder they accept the myths... because they are not receiving the information about how it is spread. Perhaps the focus should be more about how to keep them in school. As long as there are tensions and resistance to them being in our country, as long as they resist becoming acculturated/assimilated into our country and our traditions, they are not going to feel like they belong. From my experience in an elementary school, the Hispanic families DO want to improve their lot, do want their kids educated. More Hispanic families attended a school meeting last week than nonHispanic. It's very frustrating for them, with the language and cultural issues to overcome. They want to fit in, and many are doing all they can to accomplish this. But teens are teens... Hispanic teens go through their rebellious stages just like American white/black teens. Identity and belonging are big issues at those ages. It's a very complex problem... belonging and acceptance has as much to do with it as anything. And graduating from High School is a must. IMO. bea
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