Aug 12, 2008
Bernie Mac died this weekend of pneumonia at age 50.
My Condolences go out to his family and friends. We all have lso a kind mn and a comedic genius.
Clooney said"the world would get a little less funny."
He was in Oceans' Eleven with him.
Pitts lamented the loss of a funny and hardcore family man.
Samuel Jackson said" it goes without saying that Bernie was a pre-eminent comedian of our times.
He was a very attentive husband also. I was fortunate to have been his good friend."
I personally like Mac a lot. He was funny in Oceans' Eleven but if you had a teen or a preteen who used to watch his sit com, you know that for many kids he was their idol and he understood their language.
Did you enjoy him, Clooney, Pitts, etc. in Oceans' Eleven?
Did you know his show?
Please write your thoughts, thanks
This is sad and a shame. I enjoyed everything I ever saw him in. Even his stand-up, although like most modern comics he could get a little to rounchy for my taste. - Barbara
I enjoyed Bernie Mac... his show on Tv, the movie you mentioned... his face... I loved that expressive face of his. Who couldn't love the man? I am sorry that he died so young because of all the good he did in his life, and for his family's loss. bea
Yes Mac was a great comic!
Condolences to his family. May he R.I.P.
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