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Thursday, August 28, 2008
Honor 911 Victims/Project 2996/Abrahamson
Tags: Honor 911v ictims/project2996/Willimam FAbrahamson
Willilam F. Abrahamson was a great friend to many people. His friends at the federal reserve Bank knew since the 60s.As the man moved around the country it was Mr. Abrahamson who kept them together. His wife said that he was quiet and secure about himself. He could always medisate between people at work when there were arguments.
His wife nd his eleven year old son Erik were his pride and joy.
Please leave comments here or by link for Mr. Abrahamson's family and friends and our bloggers. You can alos leave comments and links about 911 victims and heroes whom you would care to honor.
Honor 911 Victims/ Project 2996
Aol has a tradition of contributing to the memorials that Mr. Dale C.Roe has encouraged and publicized with his Project 2996.
The year due to personal circumstances, Mr. Roe asks us to write about someone .
He says he will start up a page where people can log their name , the victim's name whom they are honoring and a Link to their own blog.
I want to know, do you like this project?
Will you tell us more information and help fellow bloggers participate?
Please write your feelings too about 911.
Thank you!
p.s.What you might consider doing, if interested, is to contact:
Then please post the links to you memorials here.
Then you can email them to and tell Dale it's for his update page!
I think it is a great idea.
Honor 911 Victims / Write a Memorial to a 911 Victim/ Project 2996
Friday, August 15, 2008
Naisha Luiken and Shaun Johnson: Olympic heroes
Luiken and Johnson worked very hard and overcame obstacles in the Olympics.
They supported each other even though they were strong competitors and they embraced the true meaning of team players and friendship.
Please leave comments about them or about the importance of teamwork in your
understanding. Have you helped others overcome obstacles because they were your friends?
And have you yourself overcome physical or emotional difficulties to accomplish something? Please write about it here.
Michael Phelps: A Winner for all time
Tags: Michael Phelps, heroes, leaders, Olympic gold record setter
NBC Olympic coverage
August 13, 2008
Michael Phelps is possibly one of the greatest gold medal holders of all time.
He is a great team player and a tenacious and glorious athlete.
He has broken time records and he stands to break the record for the sot gold medals of all time.
Ahh.. but that is only part of Michael.
Last year he helped another swimmer complete their matches and encouraged this other colleague by cheering him on.
When he was in elementary school as the story goes, a teacher told him that since he had ADD he had no talent. The teacher told his mom to take him home and to give up.
:) grins
His mother is a wonderful strong person. She took him to a great coach and the coach watched him in the pool.
He turned to his mother and he said" Michael has great potential. I see him one day becoming a great leader in swimming."
Please add your thoughts about Michael Phelps or a tribute to his life. Thanks!
Michael Phelps
Thank you good friends
Tags: Support blog, Guido, Aol friends, bloggers
Please pray for my sister and send her good thoughts.
I want to thank Guido and everyone who has written me.
I want to thank all of you who responded to Guido's
Call for Support blog.
She has been ill this fall too and I am concerned.
You people are wonderful; you are all different and yet you care enough to
support one of your friends here. You are great! thank you!
She Brings Us Joy:A Tribute
She Brings us Joy

(this is a tribute to my sister....)
She guides our feet.. and when we were little
She'd help us sleep
She makes us laugh
When we are falling away
she pulls us back
there is no end
in her for long miles
and Journey's upending
She only loves
Our quiet Joys
And warms our heart
As the fire goes out
She is our joy
Do you have a sister like her? please write about her here.:)
(this is a tribute to my sister....)
She guides our feet.. and when we were little
She'd help us sleep
She makes us laugh
When we are falling away
she pulls us back
there is no end
in her for long miles
and Journey's upending
She only loves
Our quiet Joys
And warms our heart
As the fire goes out
She is our joy
Do you have a sister like her? please write about her here.:)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Isaac Hayes Died Today
Tags: Isaac Hayes, great musicians, memorial
August , 2008
"Soul Legend Isaac Hayes dies-"
CNN reports that Hayes , known for the 1971 movie "Shaft" died.
He was found unconscious next to his treadmill according to reporters.
He could not be revived.
Isaac Hayes was known to be a very good man. He was a great leader in his music.
He wrote some great songs; "the Look of Love", "Never Say Good bye", Believe in me", Walk on By, Never Gonna' Give you Up".
My deepest Condolences to all who love him and knew him.
It is a great loss to us and to the world.
Did you know his music? Let us know your thoughts.
Bernie Mac Passed Away
Aug 12, 2008
Bernie Mac died this weekend of pneumonia at age 50.
My Condolences go out to his family and friends. We all have lso a kind mn and a comedic genius.
Clooney said"the world would get a little less funny."
He was in Oceans' Eleven with him.
Pitts lamented the loss of a funny and hardcore family man.
Samuel Jackson said" it goes without saying that Bernie was a pre-eminent comedian of our times.
He was a very attentive husband also. I was fortunate to have been his good friend."
I personally like Mac a lot. He was funny in Oceans' Eleven but if you had a teen or a preteen who used to watch his sit com, you know that for many kids he was their idol and he understood their language.
Did you enjoy him, Clooney, Pitts, etc. in Oceans' Eleven?
Did you know his show?
Please write your thoughts, thanks
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Island in the Sun: Movie to See
This a fun classic movie that all ages can enjoy!
The beautiful scenery, and the history of Trinidad's fight for independence from the British is great!
Harry Belafonte is a wonderful actor!
the music is fun!
Do you enjoy classic films?
Tags: Harry Belafonte, Island in the Sun, freedom, Trinidad
Why High Rates of Aids in Hispanic Youth?: Study
Why High Rates of Aids in Hispanic Youths?: A Study
Health Resources and Services Administration
Hispanics and HIV/AIDs in the United States
Education Week
"New Study Documents the Need for 'Culture Sensitve" Aids education "
The researchers at HRSA state that although Hispanics were only 14% of the U.S. population 2004; they had 20.4% of the Aids cases reported.
HRSA stated that due to socioeconomic factors Hispanics have a lower graduation rate from high school(58.4%) compared with (80.6%) of African Americans and (90%0 of whites.Man subpopulations -like migrant workers- live below the poverty line.
The HenryJ. Kaiser Family Foundation says that Hispanics(73%) get most of their information about HIV/AIDS from the media. The foundation says that HIspanics do not have a "cultural tradition" of "preventative care".
Thye have accepted myths concering the way that Aids is transfered as well.
In Education Week , Debra Viadero "New Study Documents the Need for 'Culture sensitive Aids Education", Viadero sates that teens, both African American adn Hispanic are not receiving enough information about how Aids is spread.
This surprised me! I had just read in an APA article of this summer that nothing has changed! What do you think?
How can we improve this?
Please leave comments.
The Power of One: Book review
Tags: Byce Courtenay, The Power of One, books, Aol reads, apartheid, coming of age, ethics, World War LL, youth, exceptional literature
The Power of One
Bryce Courtney
Courtenay has written a stunning and colorful book about a child growing up in South Africa in 1939 when apartheid was taking place in South Alric and Hitler was taking hold world wide. His name was Peekay.
Peekay learned to absorb loving traditions from Zulus, Afriakaners later and their culture roots in his heart; giving him strength.
Peekay is a smart, endearing child who loves other people around him and the special animals he knows. Peekay learns to over come abandonment, prejudice and humiliation to develop his own inner core strength, self esteem and leadership.
There is a wonderful cultural weave of the mixture of Zulu, Afrikaner, German, and English cultures which adds so much depth and joy!
Would you read this book?
How about your teen?
Johnny Depp's Island: Green Enough?
Johnny Depp's Island: Green Enough?
Eco Geek
"Johnny Depp's Island to Be" by
Hank Green
Hank Green says Johnny Depp spent $3,000,000 for an island in the Bahamas and he hired Mike Sturki to build a solar system that stores excess energy as hydrogen for use at night or on cloudy days .
Mr. Greem thinks that hydrogen is not efficient for storing energy in a small space unless it can be compressed a lot. But Sturki's sytem uses propane tanks to keep costs lower.
ten thousand gallon propane tanks are needed to store enough hydrogen to get the island through the night.
Green says that this solution, while not elegant, is less costly than a high pressure tank adn a high energy demanding compressor. It could be the best soltuion we have at the moment.
What do you think?
If it was open tot he public(it is not) would you go and see it or not? why?
Let us know!
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