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Which Holiday Music Would you Like the World to get rid of?( Scalzi's assignment)
Which music drives me nuts and sends me up the wall?
Hey I love music! I love lots of music! But JC Penney took "Here comes Santa Claus"; abbreviated it and combines it with buying toys! okay so they switch the
melody (make it off key) Sheesh!:(:(
Extra Credit: What old song or movie would you like big companies to keep their mits off?
Well, they use "It's a Wonderful Life" clips to sell diamonds! Come on guys! that was an actual movie classic; not a piece of confetti or something!
Btw it is old but it has wonderful morals! I reccomend it for kids!
Okay your turn! Please tell us what song you would liek to see removed , or in my case, reverted to its' old self. And please tell us what movie clip or other song you would want kept the way it was or removed! TY!cheers!
Great choice.
I hate thata song "Grandma got ran over by a reindeer". The radio stations wear that one out, over christmas. It's a stupit song.
As a grandma, I hate "Grandma got run over by a reindeer."
Your movie is my choice too. So many valuable messages in that movie that do not have anything to do with diamonds. The total opposite.
ditto to Angela's comment...
happy Holidays,
Gem :-)
I agree on the whole 'let's take the song apart and make an advertisement out of it.' Not good. We sure do see a whole lot of that at this time of year. And I do wish they would leave the old movies alone. When they put movie clips in the ads, you are sick of seeing it by the time the networks show the whole movie. Tina
I have to agree about Grandma and the to go!!
Hugs and love,
I am SO tired of "Have a holly, jolly Christmas ...." It's on the radio every 2 minutes!!!
Well perhaps banks will start using it...ugh
I never listen to the radio and I don't have a TV. I also hate shopping so hardly ever venture there either so I don't actually hear any Christmas songs! I've never heard this Grandma got run over by a reaindeer that no one seems to like! I feel like I'm missing out somewhere! Jeannette.
I posted mine...
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