is your opinion? CBS announced December 28,2006 That FDA has said that cloned food is safe.Please give us your opnions.FYI: The FDA is taking comments from teh public next week.TY
Ya, I don't think so, the idea that you really don't know what you are eating for in reality you don't for I don't think we are anywhere near smart enough to use a technology like that so I think it will be dangerous plus the moral repercussions of that too are too infinite to think about. Plus if anything people need to look at the food industry as a whole and fix the problems it has already before introducing anything new. It is very sad how most of these animals are kept before processing and how they are killed isn't much better in most instances. So before they start going down this path they need to fix the living conditions and the way animals are killed for food now. Also if they are so gun-ho on cloning animals why don't they just start with human parts like hearts and livers for those in need of them, for people would really benefit from that more than anything now.
Well, I would not eat it. All cloned animals so far have genetic defects and short lives. Nature should not be tampered with, we will pay the price. If cloned meat becomes the norm I will become vegetarian. If they do it with vegetables I shall just have to starve.
I don't think I'll be eating any. My healthy eating diet doesn't have it on the menu. Thank God! I just don't like the idea. For saving lives Yes, but not to eat.
Happy New Year!
I am a vegan so this really does not apply to me. However I would not buy it for my husband.
I know they say it doesn't matter but the thought of it makes me sick. If they label it cloned, I wont' buy it.
No, I don't think so. Don't know why, it just doesn't seem right, somehow. lol
Maybe I'd get over the squeamishness, I don't know.
We are all frightened of what we do not really understand. I see enormous potential for cloning to help solve the problems of food production in the world. Cloned crops for instance can be manipulated to make them drought resistant, more productive per acre of land, more pest resistant, thus cutting down on the need for environmentally damaging pesitcides, and needing less fertiliers, again lessening the impact on almost exhausted farmland and enabling crops to be grown on poor land. This has enormous potential to feed the millions of starving people in the world. I think we should all find out a bit more about cloning before we reject it out of hand, like some of your commenters have done Natalie. Animal cloning is a technology that is being honed and developed for the past decade or so. As time goes on its methods will improve and mistakes and errors will be reduced to a minimum. Cloning will eventually impact on all types of food, so vegetarian or meat eater, we will all have to confront the issue.
Happy New Year Natalie. I have enjoyed reading your journal in 2006. Looking forward to more entries in 2007!
I have written an entry about this Natalie as I felt my comment could not say it all!
Cloned Food YUK I worry about what i eat and where it comes from.
Also Happy New Year
I find that I can't eat just about anything so long as it's got enough ketchup on it.
Dear Kate,
My links here are about cloning animals for meat.I posted the animals pictures and the links so that journalers could read about the situtaion. In this case, the animals sometimes are disformed and have big problems. It is nota refined science and there fore there is a lot fo wiggle room about whether or not is is a science taht has even sorted itlsef out yet.
I ahve written differently about the cloning of crops.
Sugar137 has computer issues right now adn she said I should say for her that many people go to farmers' market and buy organic meat there as that is the ehalthiest choice or they buy from an organic website. What do you think about this? is that a good strategy that you would use?
Sure, it wouldn't be my first choice, but I know myself well enough to say that, if I'm hungry, I'm capable of eating anything.
Natalie- I only had to see the title of this entry- and I said- NO WAY! I saw the story, and if comes to that, I'll start raising more of my own animals! I will not eat cloned meat, and I wish scientists would focus on things that can help, yet stop messing around with nature. Even if one doesn't believe in God and His creation, there is still natural laws which sould not be messed with! Period! Thanks for another interesting topic! Hope you had, and have a great new year! Love Carolyn
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