Thursday, December 14, 2006

What Toys Would You Want?(Scalzi wants to know!):):)

Google assembled these pictures

What toys would you want today? (JohnScalzi's assignment)

There are many cool toys... as a kid I always loved slides..but were I a kid now I would have wanted that sprinkler hook-up with the yellow plastic thing to slide on! Too cool!

I love action figures and dinausaurs!

I like the wooden building sets too with the bridges,etc.And I like the small lego sets with little men!

And don't forget the Smurfs! (looking around for Smurfette..hummm...) Smurfs  are fabulous!:):)

and lots of finger paniting and clay stuff!

Lots of huge water guns and ballons!

thanks for asking John!:)

Okay now it's your turn! Describe here or leave us your link and tell us what toys you would want to play with?



Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, my favorite toy was, "Barbies", and all her stuff!! I lived in my own world with "Barbie & Ken".  And today, it would probably be the same. They let the imagination wonder. Boring.... maybe, but thats me.
Merry Christmas everyone.
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

It was always dolls for me. I could never have enough dolls around. I'd take care of them for years and years. I was still playing with baby dolls at 13 (slow ..... LOL) and now I always have kids around me. My whole adult life so far. Maybe I knew my life would be all about kids and I was getting ready? : )

Anonymous said...

I love dolls. Not the ones that you could not play with, but the ones I would put in the doll stroller and walk around the block.

Anonymous said...

Hey Natalie- I would love some of the Barbie stuff they have out these days- and maybe one of those fancy new kinds of swing sets- you know with the slides, tunnels, rockwalls, swings, rope ladders and look out tower thingys.  I can't really afford one for our boy, so I can't live through him for that- but I do have fun playing with his hot wheels- reminds me of playing with my brother's cars when I was little!  Have a great weekend!  BTW, I am feeling better- thank you!  God Bless! Carolyn

Anonymous said...

Hi Natalie - I played with Barbies until I was 14, but I never had the cool stuff that went with them.  I made my own beds, furniture and things out of shoe boxes or anything I could find.  So I would love some of the modern houses, furniture, cars, etc. that they give today for Barbies. Hugs, Caroline

Anonymous said...

Hi! While I never had a Barbie (I had a Sindy as I thought she was prettier! Guess I was a non-conformist kid) I did LOVE all the accessories she came with and what I wanted the MOST for ages was a horse my doll could ride on!!! I was horse crazy-STILL AM!!! I also have two boys so have never "been allowed" to buy that horse! Maybe I'll have a grandaughter I can buy it for HEEHEE! Also I would love all the baby dolls and cute clothes ones gets! DOLLS RULE!!!!(Except Bratz-don't like them!) Hugs, Shauneen xxx

Anonymous said...

Yay for smurfs!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I still have a Sinclair Oil dinosaur I got as a freebie from Mom buying gas in 1956...

Anonymous said...

I want a Tickle me Elmo! I think he's lovely! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

Smurfs keep busy during the holiday season.We're part Elf.

Anonymous said...

I posted mine....