Sunday, June 4, 2006

Things I love now; Name one! (Scalzi)

Google did the pictures

Things I love now!Name one!

(John made me do it!)

There are many things I did before and loved and I still love them. Hewasolddog299 pointed out that these new things that are greatly enjoyed now as opposed to them deserve to be enumerated.

Thinking about it, I have come up with responding to other's writing: stories, poetry, comments as a relatively new passion that has gottne heated up here at Jland!

I love reading other comments on my blgo and responding! I lovee reading other people's blgos and leaving comments!It keeps me hopping and jumping that is for sure!

There are many other hobbies that I have; but as old dog pointed out "I used to have them!"

Please tell us about some new interests of yours that you like to pursue and please leave your blog address if you like!


Anonymous said...

I must say I'm totally addicted to my computer. I love J-Land & all the great people I have met here. I'm really into graphics & love putting them in my journal!
I'm a newbie at all this, started last fall!
So, this would be my "new thing".
Blessings, Sugar

Anonymous said...

I can't think of anything really all that new. I like my old hobbies. I know I'm liking the Internet less and less. Suprising?


Anonymous said...

The internet is relatively new to me... first learned how to use it back in 1997 during my two years working toward my education degree. Only used it for research. Journaling is very new... began it almost a year ago, last August. I used to take lots of pictures with my single lense reflex Richoh camera... and spent a small fortune making prints and copies for others. Now I have a digital, and love it even more than my slr. I seldom print out pictures. I create albums on the computer. Now I want a laptop of my own. The one I was loaned at school was the best technology item I could ask for... I have to give it back since I'm transferring schools, but I'm going to buy my own, something to take with me on the road so I can download digital photos as I take them. I have so much fun creating albums and slideshows for school, church, and personal use. I still love to listen to my favorite groups from the 60's through the 80's, but now I listen to them on CD's instead of vinyl. I would love to have a CD player in my car. Still haven't got one of those yet, and my son has an M3P player... I haven't really gotten into that yet, and probably won't. But definitely I love the computer, internet access, digital cameras, laptops, and blogging. bea

Anonymous said...

I do groups on myspace and have started up quite a few of them...I find them fun.  Most of my hobbies are long held ones though so not much in the way of new.

Anonymous said...

If it weren't for Nat, I wouldn't get comments.

Anonymous said...

the only thing new is my coputer addiction. I got one 5 years ago, relatively late in the game and was very intimidated at first, but I knew I had to get computer skills to keep my job. I am really proud of how much and how fast I learned.
I still love my old hobbies, visiting with friends, hiking and camping, but my old Girl Scouts are getting too old to do it with me. I guess I have to find some young ones.