Google provided the dad and kid photos
Tell Us a Trick Your Kid Played on Dad
It's almost Father's Day!
This year, the children's father had misplaced his favorite pen.. only he hadn't!Our daughter had borrowed it unbeknownst to him and wrapped it up! She handed it to him for Father's Day!lol!
So do you know a prank that you wouldn't mind sharing? tell us!
I have no good memories of my Dad...& my kids have none of theirs. So I have nothing to share!
Making my rounds through J-land, wanted to stop & wish you a happy wkend! :)
My father is no longer with me. He was probably one of the finest men I have ever had the pleasure to meet. As for tricks on him - he was rarely home as he traveled some nine or ten months out of twelve. When he was home, he spent time with us, but it was not a "play time" kind of thing. And, before long, he was on his way again. I know I missed having him around on a more constant basis. We used to do things together even if it was just to go up to the gas station - I was just glad to be near him and enjoy his presence. As this Father's Day approaches, I find myself looking at the cards and all the wonderful gifts on display for fathers. I wish I still had him in my life and could buy a card for him and talk to him and take him out for a great big breakfast which was always special to him. Now that I think of it, that is exaxtly what I will do - Happy Father's Day, Dad - I love you.
Your daughter, Mary
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