Thursday, June 8, 2006

Mrs. Hersi Ali Leaves Holland for the US


Mrs. Hersi Ali Leaves Holland for the US

The Week

June 2, 2006

"Netherlands Exiling a heroine who challenged Islam"

The New Yorker

Letter from Europe

"The Dutch Model"

by Jane Kramer

April 3, 2006

The Wall Street Journal

Editorial by Daniel Swammenthal

"Dutch Courage"


Mrs. Hersi Ali applied for asylum in Holland under an assumed name.She pretended to be leaving Kenya to get married in Canada  in order to move to Holland !

She had grown up in Saudi Arabia. She was a good freind of Hugo Van Gogh, a distant relative of Vincent Van Gogh in Holland. She became an outspoken critic of violent Islam. She advised the Netherlands parliament to strengthen their borders, update their security measures and be careful of Al Quaida groups.

She was popular.

She and Van Gogh were is favor of a film that he had created called "Submission." It spoke of a few women who had not been treated well at all and who needed their freedom.He was stabbed in midday on his bicycle repeatedly in the middle of Amsterdam.

Mrs. Hersi was advised  to get a bodyguard. There were some people who felt that her presence at her apartment and her bodyguards made their apartments less desirable in today's market. They asked

Mrs. Ver Donk to deport her since she had come here under a false name. Mrs. Ver Donk, to many people's sadness and consternation, did that. She was told to Leave Holland. Mrs. Hersi Ali is seen by many as a Dutch hero for her courage and her desire to help Holland be strong.

Here in America the American Free Enterprise Institute is taking Mrs. Ali In.

This is a sad tale indeed.

Many say that Ver Donk is a big looser in this too.


There was an artist , b.t.w. , in Rotterdam who painted an angel on his own studio in  with the sign "thou shall not Kill" on it. Arabs called the fire departmetn. They sadi it could not stand. It was hosed off. A journalist tried to intervene and he was placed in jail.




Anonymous said...

People have to be careful in times like these with the way they express themselves, sad but true.

Anonymous said...

The Netherlands has a very large Muslim population, and political tensions are very high there right now.

Anonymous said...

The problems with immigration in Holland were dramatically placed on the front pages in 2002, when politician Pim Fortuyn was assassinated outside a radio studio in Hilversum. Although the murder was committed by a crackpot, Fortuyn was controversial for speaking out about the problems surrounding immigrants, integration (or lack of it). The sensitivities surrounding Islam in Holland were highlighted in 2004 (I think), when film maker Theo van Gogh (sic) was shot and killed in Amsterdam, for making a film which was less than complimentary about aspects of Muslim life.
Thank you for putting this on a broader stage.

Anonymous said...

I'd bomb the entire Middle East flat, and get real heavy with whoever lived.