Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Kildow endures and Achieves her own Sense of Triumph

Kildow endures and Achieves Her own Sense of Triumph \NBC sports

February 15, 2006

Ms Kildow skied hard and achieved her own definition of triumph in Italy; she fell going 50 miles per hour for an estimated 15 feet; yet she decided while in the hospital, having her back and pelvis examined, that she would reenter the race!

She did finish the race with a lot of effort; coming in at number eight! The reporters covering the event were very impressed with her fortitude and her resolve.

She stated that she had won according to her definition because she had completed the race in the best way that she could. Reporters said that this completion will give her the necessary confidence that she will need in future races.

In your life have you found that you can step up to the plate in teh midst of adversity and win the day on your terms?  Please tell us about it.


Anonymous said...

Can't say that I have, in the midst of adversity, stepped up to the plate to win the day in such a dramatic manner as this young lady did. Maybe that day will come. I hope to be as confident and and resolved as she when that day happens. And I'm sure I will write about it in my journal! bea

Anonymous said...

Dear Bea,
Thank you for your brilliant comment about Ms. Kildow and the brave stand she made to stand up against all blocks and fight the good fight to complete the race!
She made a great effort and she reminds me of Christopher Reeves, another hero who stood up and fought against obstacles of poor health to inspire more knowledge and compassion for people in the world with his condition. natalie

Anonymous said...

That Ms. Kildow came back and finished the event in her condition is the mark of what true champions are made of.  As an American I was proud that someone of this caliber was representing the USA.  I wish her luck in her future competioions.