Donna's Journal
Donna is the single mom of a nineteen year old athletic
person . She has worked full time all fo her life and last summer she became " addicted to graphics" ! She creates beautiful graphics that go along very well with her subjects and many are symbolic of what is going on in her life. You can find her at: thatand hockey/
Donna has a second journal that people should check out for graphics tht people may want to tag.
You can find it at:
Nat, I am so flattered you did this. You make me feel special when I am just a speck in JLand. Thank you my friend your words and support have made me smile!
Nat, I wanted to check Donna's journal out, you know, to see her graphics. I copied one address and then the other, but could not get to her website... could there be a letter misplaced or something? I copied and pasted... usually that is all I have to do to go somewhere. But it didn't work this time. I'd love to see her work! Bea
If you get to thisthatandhockey mom's blog before I do, tell her that there's a video of a bench-clearing brawl on my East Of Boston blog at Cape Cod Today. Lots of copious blood.
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