Hope for a Better Tomorrow
As the nurse bent over to chage his mother's I.V. Jerome rubbed his middle fingers of his left hand against the last two fingers and he reflected on what the doctor had said...he sighed; and as he did he felt that little catch in his throat, followed by a dull pain in his heart...
he looked over at his mother..
What should he do?... Should he tell his father the real truth about what the doctor had said? He thought about it as he looked up at the ceiling...He imagined his father's face before him; his eyes saddened by his mother's weakened condition; yet sometimes bright and strong due to some perceived improvement or good day that his mother had had.He hesitated to give his father any news other than news of a full recovery because that was what his father craved ; and after all his father was all that he had left. If he were to tell him that the doctor was not sure of her recovery, then he imagined that his father's health might soon fail too...
His parents had always taken good care of each other
He focused on the top of the window pane. His father's words last night had cheered him up..he had said "Don't let the saddness seep in son! Always be viligant in bringing in the light."His father's words made sense to him.
He would tell his father what the doctor had said in passing; but with a new twist: he would emphaisze the the fact that his mother had agood chance to make it. He smiled.
Sometimes the truth is a killer...
Dear Coco,
hi I changed the ending up for you.
the truth is all in the way you look at it
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