Monday, December 5, 2005

Scientists have created the first molecule that can move in a straight line by itself

Scientists have created the first molecule that can move in a straight line by itself

Scientific American

CharlesQ. Choi

December, 2005

The molecule (dithioanthracene) is composed of coal and tar derivatives. These elements are linked to sulfurous organic compounds. The compounds that are linked in the molecule moved when heated by alternating ,; so that only one was lifted from the surface at a time. The "foot" helped the molecule from falling off course; even when the scientist pushed it along.

the DTA took 10,000 tests without rails or grooves helping it mark its' course and without loosing its' balance. Scientists at UCLA Riverside think that this project could potentially lead to molecular computers; with these DTA or other similar molecules operating in " nano-abacuses".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is really interesting...