I Apologize Jland ! I went camping with my family!
Dads Rock! I have always thought that parenting kids is important
and love is important! Dads have tons of influence in how a family
goes!They imprint a lot of values and important life lessons on their family.
I was thinking about memories I had with my dad and how that was...
and then I was thinking about all of the cool times that the kids have had meaningful talks
with their dad.... mmmmmmm....
Please tell us about your father / and or about your dad and granddad
and how much they mean to your family.
I hope you had a good time camping. The kids all worked on Sunday same as they did on Mother's Day. We grilled and he got to sleep.
My dad was my hero! My dad was my rock! My dad was my biggest fan! I am now learning to live with out him.
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