Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Please tell us your Opinion: Dragon:The Story of Bruce Lee

Google assembled these pictures

What do you think about Bruce Lee and this movie about his life? Did you know about his courageous life; fighting political difficulties at home, fighting paralyzing effects of an injury to full recovery, and thne travelling wiht his family to amke films in China and in thailand agasint all odds?

Let me know.




Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the movie.  One of these times I will watch it and let you know, OK?
loving you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I really liked the movie! He is living proof that you can do anything you put your mind to.

Anonymous said...

I saw that... good flick.

I read up on that fight where Bruce had his back broken. The other guy says it was a draw, and that Bruce was trying to kick him in the nuts the whole time.