Thursday, March 29, 2007

Parents Spend more Time with their kids now: AP survey: what do you think?

Google assembled these pictures

Parents Spend More Time with their Children than they Did Five to Ten years ago; according to a survey printed by the Associated Press. What do you think? Is this true?

If so is it helping kids?

I read a very interesting article about this published by the Associated Press and it was inspiring!

What do you think? I think it si very good news and if I am pressed, I will attest to seeing a ton of moms in mini vans and dads in pickups! Kids have many activities and sports after school, and tutoring ! I think it is great that parents do so much for kids!

Conversely, the saddest thing I see are kids whose parents are not around!



Anonymous said...

I spend more time with my children then my mother ever spent with me. My mom wanted a career and we were just something that she dealt with. I can remember being very sick with the chicken pox and she went to work and my mom left me home alone. I called her because I was in so much pain, and she told me to call the neighbor!

Anonymous said...

More is better, as long as parents don't coddle or spoil.

That seems to be a huge issue with entitlement here.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The only problem with surveys is they are biased so I wouldn't really believe the results unless they could show me how they go them.  However if this is really the trend then that is a great thing.  However, I still see many parents that don't spend any time with their kids and some parents that spend way too much time with theirs and don't let their kids have a somewhere in the middle there has to be a happy medium.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You learn so much being around kids...parents miss so much...but can learn so much...quality time is everything in my book..hugs and love,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think parents today spend more time with their kids than back in the much ballyhooed days when mom stayed home. Back then, kids were veiwed as an adjunct to life, now they tend to be the center of their parents lives.I look at my daughters friends, with their orthodontically perfect teeth and shiny hair. I can see their parent's hearts. They carry them around with them, even when they don't want to.

Anonymous said...
