Saturday, February 10, 2007

Valentines' Day:real or not?:Scalzi's assignment

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Valentines' Day: real or not?Scalzi's assignment



Tags: , , , , SaintValentines

I think Valntines' Day is fun! It has always made me think of appreciating people and love. I like the story of Saint Valentine because he would not cop out on his own belief in love, God, and people.

What about you? Do you think it is fun? or just commercial? do you buy gifts and go out?Please post your links as well.

tell us! And what is your favorite romantic movie?hugs


ps Happy Valentines Day Jland!



Anonymous said...

Valentine's Day is not about "those you love", it's about "that someone special". I view it as a slap in the face, "Hey, stupid, remember this little girl you married? You still love her, right? Well get off your ass and buy her a gift. No, not a new pen, make it rocks set in gold and roses ya dope." Feels good. Love the holiday, probably my favorite one.


Anonymous said...

For valentines day we would usually just take the children out to eat. We would go some place different so that the children have to get out of their box and try something new. I think Valentines day is way to commercial. I came home one night and I was just so worn out, so I sank into a hot tub. By the time I got out my hubby had turned my half of the bed down and had placed a piece of candy on my pillow. That is true love.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey natalie, natatlie...It's me, Marti, I'm back (virtually holding hands and jumping up and down.)
I got a new computer!

Anonymous said...

For me...and my has always been a special time...for two people to show their expressions of love, through love notes, gifts ...special dinners...or whatever else comes our way.  Hope yours is the best!

Anonymous said...

This celebreation of love is for my hubby and kids.  Presents and dinner out.  :)
Hope you and your family have a great VD celebration.  :)      Tracy

Anonymous said...

of course valentines day is real

Anonymous said...

Hi Nat,yes I love Valentines day because I always get little homemade cards my kids make! I treasure these!!!! My hubby loves me everyday and so we don't normally buy gifts but this year he bought me a rose standard with miniture red roses.Very touching! I do think its a bit too commercialised-one shouldn't need one special day in the year to celebrate love-Jesus commanded us to love eachother! :-) Take care, Shauneen

Anonymous said...

I think vday has become increasingly commercial, a chance for stores to make money by hiking up prices. I do think that on most people the true meaning of vday is lost. its not so much about showing love and that you care on one day of the year, its about doing it always. everyday, little things that you can do. this year, i've made Adam a card. Not cause i'm cheap, but i think its more personal. And I got him a gift that I know he'll love. But we won't be celebrating valentines day on Feb 14 since we won't be together.

My fav romantic movies include, How To Loose A Guy In 10 Days and Love Actually!

hope you're well
shermeen xx