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Have You Ever Been Late? (Scalzi's assignment)
Have You Ever Been Late?
People think more casually about time than I do in a general sense... you see time was of importance to my father and my grandfathers!:) That's two generations of time keepers! And if I am honest, I adore watching big tower clocks..especially the ones which show the inside of their works...
I don't recall when I have been seriously late to an appointment; though doubtlessly everyone has been late...
Please add your experiences about being late!
And oh, btw... do yu actually beleive that time exists?
By exists, I mean can you visualize time in a realm all of its' own?
I've never been late for anything. My mother always said, I was born fast and do everything fast. : ) If I'm supposed to be somewhere, I'm there not only on time but ahead of time. That's just me. I feel it's respectful to be on time. I too love watches and clocks.
Your question is very deep and very interesting....I never thought about it the way you asked but I have wondered if everything is happening at the same other words, past, present and future.
I agree with Angelas comment... I am ALWAYS on time...or early....always!
I stress if I think I'm going to be late for anything. I always want to be there at least 15 minutes early. I was late for one of my final exams a few weeks back. I had overslept and the wonderful people that I stayed with had made me a cooked breakfast. I thoroughly enjoyed it and took my time, which made me later. When I got to the exam centre in Norfolk, they had moved the exam to another building. I got lost finding the building! By now, I was stressed beyond belief as I was already 15 minutes late! I eventually found the place. The woman that was proctoring for me was wonderful. She saw how worked up I was and sent me to the closest Starbucks on the University grounds and told me to take an hour or so to relax, have coffee and go over my notes (I was the only one writing). I felt a whole lot better afterwards. I hate being late! Hugs, Caroline
Time is a man made concept, we invented calendars and clocks. Mother nature has its own time. I was always told it was rude to be late and all my life if I have had to be anywhere, I have always arrived early.
I will attempt an entry, Nat, on this subject, and come back to leave a link... but I don't know when that will be, my friend!!!
BTW, I have five watches, one of them is a Timex, one is a Fossil, two look like bracelets... and right now only one of them work. They all stopped working within a week's time. I've had them for many years. I've replaced the batteries during the year... that's weird they all quit at the same time. I love clocks and watches, too. But since my watches all quit, I haven't been wearing a watch, not even to school. There are clocks everywhere I go, so I don't worry about what time it is.
Do I believe that time exists? Well, we have divised ways (units) to measure it accurately, I say yes.
Can I visualize time in a realm all of its own? I have a hard time visualizing it without some form of matter to pass through it, space for it to pass by, or movement of matter through space for time to over. Time is relative to all of that. Yes, I see how deep this topic is... H mmmmm, one of those topics that easily fits into the realm of God, for Time is not linear in God's realm, only in ours. Have I ever been late? Yes, I have been very late, with serious consequences, on two occasions. Which is why I always set my bedside clock 40 minutes faster than all other clocks in the house, and why I get up earlier than I need to. I've learned my lesson the hard way that it's not good to be late for anything you are committed to doing. Good question, Nat. Bea
Time is a state of "being" it is measurment that allows us to move through space with some kind of reference. I was late for work once in 27 years. I saw a fire in a house on my way to work. I stopped and helped five people out before it was fully engulfed. Libby was once late for a job interview when out puppy ran out as she left the house. He ran away and she spent what was her interview time trying to find the pup. Oh well, time and it constraints are fine until you need to adjust. Some folks can't adjust. Regards, Bill.
I hate being late but as I am at the mercy of British Rail I'm late more often than I would like to be too numerous to recount here i'll do it in a blog entry
take care
Yasmin (cayasm)
I'm a bit of a time freak Natalie. I am always on time and I hate tardniness. Now as for the existence of time, I will have to get back to you on that one, ... maybe when Stephen Hawking has figured it out (LOL!)
I was late once a long time ago because of something I couldn't contol- but I hate being late. Especially for appointments. I figure it's really rude and disrespectful when someone makes an appointment and shows up late. It shows the other person that all you care about is yourself- and that you don't consider the pther person's time as being very valuable to them. Lecture over- sorry Nat. I used to have a boss who always made appointments, and never once in 6 years did he ever arrive on time! Sometimes he never showed at all- I used to get mad at him for that. As for does time exist- well that's one of those philisophical things I really get a brain freeze about when I think about it too long. It's up there with black holes and the shape of the universe!! Sorry! Have a great week ! Love Carolyn
I posted my answers...
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