Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Go Add Your Blog Name and Address to Kate's list!

Google did the pictures

Go Add Your Blog Name and Address (Alphabetically) to Kate's List

I read about Kate's grat Project in her blog, added my blog anme to it, and I read about it again in Lori's blog

"Dusty Pages" !

How about adding your name to it?




Anonymous said...

I've been there already, added all mine. LOL
Think I was the first or 2nd to write an entry sending people over there. TY for doing one too!
Hugs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

OK, I just did this. Thanks, Bill.

Anonymous said...

Nice photos of my homeland (getting all misty-eyed now!!!) - thanks for sending people my way. Hope we can all find each other easier now. Have a lovely weekend,