Google did the pictures
Check Out Jackie's Suggestions for Voting for the Vivis
(I have this From Guido's blog Northern Trip)
I am copying Jackie's entry regarding procedure at the VIVI nominations:
Just a reminder that the voting for the official nominations for each category will begin on Sunday, October 15th at 12:00 AM PST. I will be putting the link up for the website voting booth at that time, so please set up your alerts and/or mark your calendars to check back here on that date. You will have 3 days in which to vote. The 15th, 16th, and 17th, and I will be closing the polls at 12:00 AM on the 18th.
So get out a pen and paper and start researching each category and deciding who you want to nominate, and write it down. You are allowed only one vote under each category, so make it count!
Just a few more days left! Keep reading and make those lists, and I will see you back here on the 15th!
Any questions, please feel free to email me at!
Three days is not long to vote is it, particularly if people are away or sick. Never mind, I will get my votes in as soon as possible.
I'm looking forward to putting a few votes up. Regards, Bill.
I'm so sorry, i'm WAY behind on my alerts.
hope you're well,
love the fairies!!!
sherms xx
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