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9/11 Bones to Surface: Is There Hope for Survivors to Bury Them?
Dawn, Princess Aurora is upset tonight...
You see she was told as other were that all of the bones had been found (or as much as existed).
Now that people have started building the new building on the 9/11 site, many more skulls, arms, etc. have been discovered. Survivors have asked Mr. Boomberg, the mayor of New York, to allow the bones to be retrieved and identified and constrauction to stop until retrieval is complete. No says the mayor... this is just a minor interruption...huh?
Please write down your comments here and at Dawn's journal:javascript:openBlogThis(', 'Please Speak for these Honored Dead');
Maybe they could just put aside all bones they do as they do construction? Or maybe they could just give them a week more or something to see what else they could find? I don't think they could find all of them even if they are there though. I don't know how I would feel, part of me would want my loved ones bones yet another part would be upset that they found them and I had already put my loved one to rest.
Thanks, Nat. I hope people come and check out my entry...
be well,
I kind of agree with sugarsweet. I feel badly for those who lost loved ones, but I think I'd just want to let the work be done, and remember my loved one the way they were. After 5 years now, it has to be bringing up so much more pain- especially for those who have loved ones still missing. I just don't have an answer here- except just remembering the good things. In a horrible tragedy of 9/11's magnitude, I think all who were involved in the rescue and clean up were doing the best they could- never have had to deal with something so huge and overwhelming. Sorry Nat- my brain's mixed up on this one. Carolyn
In May of 2002 whille the clean up was still inprogress a Port AUthority Police Lieuentant stood up at a meeting with NYC Officials and asked that the location where the most recent remains were found be reexamined. He also stated there were other areas that should be re searched at Ground Zero and the surrounding areas. He wass told that the NYPD and the NYFD searched the areas and weren't goung to do it again. The west street area was the main area he said had not been searched carefully. That is were the bones are being found now. Mayor Giuliani was very arrogant with the Port Authority Police then and Blumberg is to the victim families now. The PAPD was in charge of the day to day oiperations of the search and clean up operation. Since the entire site was their jurisdiction NYPD and NYFD who were given control over the PA by the City should have done what was told to them. Now they are trying to keep work going to save money and sluff off the task of recovery and identification which is their job. Regards, Bill.
I feel very sad about this. I don't think the mayor is doing the right thing. It seems as if it's all about money and time (time is money) and that upsets me very much. These people deserve a proper burial and their relatives deserve to know if they have been found.
No one asked me in the beginning. And I am not a new yorker. I knew no one in the towers that day. But, personally, I'd have rather they just leave the two big lights pointed up in place of the towers. Never build there. Hollowed ground. A reminder for posterity. But, there ain't miles and miles of new york. I realize they need to utilize the space. That for many rebuilding is a finger in the eye of the perpetrators. If I had confirmation my loved one had passed in the towers on 9/ll, I think I'd just as soon their bones lay where they are. If my loved one had never been confirmed dead, I'd probably be saying you have to test them. And what are they going to do with them if they don't test them? On the purely logical side, all the remains of that day will never be recovered. - Barbara
Ithink they should be given more time to retrieve these bones and put them in a consicrateted resting place ,not just build over them ,,.,.,Jan xx
I would hope that the city would take the time to exhume these remains with respect and dignity. I would also hope that there would be another search of the area they plan to excavate before any more construction continues. How sad to bring back all these memories and not stop the action long enough to complete a job that should have been finished long ago. My heart goes out to the families of those whose remains are being unearthed.
I do think that its awful selfish to say that the bones can't be recovered, after it took them so long to think of something to do with the site, it wouldn't take my longer to retreive any remains. I know to some who haven't lost anyone it might not change anything, but it might be just what families need in order to heal. to be told that your family member is gone, but to not have anything to bury...i couldn't imagine that.
And I can't believe that Mayor would take such a damaging stance on the issue. Truly heartbreaking, I hope the families are heard!
Shermeen xx
Very difficult one. I can see the point of view of the construction company, who stand to lose millions from a delay. On the other hand, this isn't just any old site. Thousands died here, and if any financial claims come of it, NYC should pay. They didn't do their jobs properly to start with, they never cleared the site fully. But it should be cleared of all remains, before anything else is put in its place.
The mayor is wrong and I pray things change...hope the people can be heard, loud and clear...many hugs,
I understand both sides...but think the remains should be removed before work conts. These families need to have their loved ones buried properly if possible.
I understand both sides to this issue - both the importance of closure for these families, and the importance of moving on and refusing to be bound by grief whenever an issues like this arises - it's a tricky topic.
Well, it would seem to be a fitting memorial to build atop the bones, but if there is going to be business as usual in that area, it doesn't seem appropriate to have folks walking about nonchalantly over what some would deem as a sacred place. If my son had been killed in those towers, and there was a chance his bones could be identified, I would probably, in my grief and loss, want to know for sure, and then to lay him to rest. But if I could never know, then I wouldn't mind if something grand was built atop of his resting place, if such a place would be given honor and dignity, such as a quiet retreat, a park, a garden, a silent memorial, or piece of art. But if the area is going to be loud, and filled with chaos and traffic, and people bustling about on their way to work witout a thought about the ground they walk on, I would not want his bones to remain there. Bea
There is no more important thing than human life. I feel the mayor is incorrect in not giving full attention to recovery of the human remains. For generations to come the fact that everything was done to allow this evidence to be documented will stand. It is not only important to the families for closure but for what we believe as a society in preserving our heritage. mark
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