Monday, August 28, 2006

Watch Ernesto as it Heads Towards Florida

Google did the pictures

Northern Trip


August 26,2006

Watch Ernesto as it Heads Towards Florida

A tropical storm named Ernesto is travelling around Cuba and heading towards Florida.

Guido (Pharmolo of Northern Trip blog) has been writing about predictions about this storm ; which can be discovered at

A tropical storm watch is in effect from Florida(Choholoshee to Bonita Beach).

A hurricane watch is in effect from north of Bonita on the coast to Englewood.

What do you think?

Will we be spared this time?



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I may the crazy one here but I absolutely love all the storm pictures you've posted and the ones I've seen through my own hurricane searches. The swirl of ocean colors and how it seems I never ended mosh of sky and water. Absolutely gorgeous.
Now about being spared. I would hope so but I think not. Each storm rears an uglier head than the one before it but I think it would be such a horrible shame to loose everything that has been rebuilt so far.
I just hope the people who've been victims thus far have become better prepared for the worst.


Anonymous said...

Thankfully it had more bark than bite!  Would you believe though, we got 16 1/2 inches of rain from the darned thing!  We're still sloshing around our yard.  We didn't even get this much from Wilma last year or Charlie and the other two the year before last!  What a muck pond!  LOL!  Carolyn

Anonymous said...

Thankfully it had more bark than bite!  Would you believe though, we got 16 1/2 inches of rain from the darned thing!  We're still sloshing around our yard.  We didn't even get this much from Wilma last year or Charlie and the other two the year before last!  What a muck pond!  LOL!  Carolyn