Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Ode to Bea

Google did the pictures

Ode to Bea

You write of Sci Fi

and Moonscapes with love

you write stories

of family, endurance

and love

You fill

your friends here

with endurance and warmth


you are

the innuendo

and the swing

you are the thing

The Light and

the crescendo

The Moon dominated the sun

Until your birth...

you interrupted their dance

with your mirth

You dance

over horizons

witha host of dreams

in your girth!

Don't ever stop

filling up

our lives

p.s. you can find Bea at ;http://journals.aol.com/BGilmore725/Wanderer/entries/







Anonymous said...

Lovely entry for Bea!  :)
Blessings, Sug

Anonymous said...

Nat, that was so sweet!!! Thank you for your poetic tribute. No one has ever written an ode, or any kind of poem for me!! I am honored. And I love your choice of photos as well. My love to you, the J-land Poet. Bea

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful entry...for a special person...hugs and love,


Anonymous said...

Well written Nat, your odes rock!

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely poetic tribute to Bea!!!