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Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Should a new bill Pass?
The Week
July 28,2006
The Senate is wondering whether it can pass a bill (or perhaps some Senators want a bill) which would allow reserachers to access some 400,000 embryos that are currently not used in fertility centers in freezers...
This is the upswing and please comment on that .
Now, for the speculation, National Review has journalists jointly quoted in my article and it says that stem-cell researchers want a green light to clone embryos en masse! So what do you think?
Sorry to be a nitpicker, Nat (pun not intended), but don't you mean embryos, rather than uteruses? I do not hold an opinion about this, as I'm not sufficiently informed of either side of the argument.
dear Guido, oh Gee! thank you! of course I meant that! I'll go fix it!
I don't think that cloning is a very good idea but, expect that it is going on already in humans, we just don't know it. I believe it should be outlawed. As far as stem cell research goes I am for just about anything that helps to relieve human suffering and pain. I just have an eerie feeling that if we allow cloning we are poening the door for abuses that will be catastrophic. Regards, Bill.
Great my opinion no cloning and don't mess with any embryos at all...just my opinion...hugs and love,
I am for it as long as it doesn't clone whole human beings, but as far as cloning body parts like livers, hearts, lungs, etc...that would be great. I have also heard that is could help with other diseases and the like and for those reasons I am all for it.
I think anything that we can do to save lives and to make lives better is worth pursuing...
be well,
I consider cloning horrible. It's one of my worst nightmares.
I do feel embryos that are going to be thrown away can be used for research but I WOULD HATE people creating them just for that purpose. And, the world being what it is, that could happen.
Cloning is immoral and a very frightening prospect. I can't remember the name of the book, who the author was and even when it was written- only that it was British, but there was a fictional story written about cloning children- just for their body parts. Discribed life from one of the cloned children's point of view- where they wonder how come so many kids seem to disappear, but they really know why. they wonder when their turn will come- to sacrifice themselves-honorably- that is what the adults' tell them. It's really chilling. Anyway, all that aside- I can not believe the ineptnitude (is that a word?) of the mainstream media and many in our govn't- wanting so much to believe in research that has not proven any results, yet willing to look the other way to other, more promising sources such as cord blood and adult stem cells- which have actually shown promise, and even in some cases, actual cures for some diseases. Scientists who have been working in these other areas need to get out and shout the word and get in their faces with their successes. It's the only way I can think of that will maybe get others to listen- since they don't listen to us. Good post! Carolyn
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