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My Favorite Things About Boston
(John Scalzi's assignment at Aol)
Boston is great because spirit and determination abound here! My most favorite thing about Boston is the fact that my good Jlander friend Monponsett lives in Cape Cod; a beautiful area near Boston and famous for great beach walks and great sea food!
(Check out Monponsett's blog High Above the Courtside:
It's on John Scaliz's blogroll.)
My second favorite thing is the Boston Red Socks. They are awesome baseball players! I like their abominable snowman never-give-up attitude! They are wonderful to watch and Fenway Park is a great stadium!
I love the old part of Boston with its' beautiful architecture.
And I love the fact that Harvard Yard, MIT, Boston College and Boston University are here.
What do you think about Boston?
Oh and has anyone besides Jeanette seen Paul Revere's house? I adore Paul Revere! what a hero!
I've only been there once after I left Cape Cod to drive to Maine. I liked the old church up on the hill with it's family pew boxes, forgot it's name; Paul Revere's house and the statue of the line of ducks in the park! It rained all the time I was there, didn't like that much! Jeannette xx
I wonder Jeanette if you mean Trinity Church?And can you or anyone tell us more about Paul Revere's house? he was so cool!
My last office had a fat view of the Old North Church.
The duck statues in Boston Common were inspired by the great kid's book "Make Way For Ducklings."
I would love to visit Boston and also see Paul Revere's cool that must be...have a great week...hugs and love,
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