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Find Eleven of Anything: Document it and Write it up!
(Scalzi's assignment)
1. Walking home I saw eleven clouds.
2. Walking through the rooms at home, I saw eleven boxes.
3 We have eleven photos framed in the den.
4. This is a quote form John Scalzi's book "The Ghost Brigades", from page eleven:
"Cainen opened his mouth to respond and suddenly the floor launched itself up violently to meet him."
5.There are eleven bottles of Propel fitness water in the fridge.
6. I have eleven pieces of clothing in the laundry room.
7.This is a quote from Jane Goodall's book "Reasson for Hope", page 11:
"As a child I was not keen on going to school."
8.This is a quote from Scientific American Mind, a magazine, page 11:
"When three, four of five people gather to solve a problem, chances are they will succeed beyond the efforts of an equivalent number of peopel working separately."
9. There are eleven CDs in the kitchen.
10. Aliens prefer binar code: that's why it's so popular in science fiction stories.
11.there are elelven spoons in the drawer.
There! Now it's your turn! Tell us about eleven of something!