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The Da Vinci Code; Opus Dei
(John wrote about this) (See John Scalzi's blog entry in "By the Way"
Time magazine
April 24, 2006
"The Ways of Opus Dei"
by Dan Van Biema
Van Biema points out in his article that Opus Dei was not at all as it is portrayed in the movie historically.
They were a kind Christian group who tried to help other people in the community.
Other theories in this book have been made up to entertain the movie goers.
All is cool in love and war... Yes, it is if you know when it is made up...:):)
Ok Yes, I do like Tom Hanks! Will you be going to see it? What do you think about it?
I'm seeing it on sunday, I know nothing about it at all; just going 'cos Andy wants to see it! Jeannette xx
I like Tom Hanks too, but will not be going to see this one! I can read all I need to know from my bible!
I am really wanting to see this movie and plan on it. I think it is interesting how one little book can cause so much controversy. I was planning on reading the book first, but I don't know if I will have time to finish it before, but I will still read it anyways.
If Thom Hanks is related to Jesus, I'm embracing Islam.
why do people carry on so? It's just a book!
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