Police Used My Space to Prevent Murders at Two Schools
My Space is a venue for many teens; a place that parents need to monitor becasue not only teens but adults visit My Space and some are trying to meet teens and do things with them.
Imagine my spurprize when I found out that police in Kansas and Washington monitored the space and uncovered two plots to "recreate Colombine" at a school in Washingot and one in Kansas and that they were able to advert disaster by bringing the teens in and talking to them! Bravo!
So this gave me the "Aha" that My Space could help people gather information on youth.
What does it say to you?
The Kansas one was right here near me!
Glad they were both caught in time!
I say, use in that way. It's a good thing. I also believe they use myspace to get child predators and I'm extremely happy about that too. Personally, I think the Internet has been a cess pool and I hope the time has come to clean it out.
I would have looked into law enforcement as a career if i'd known that my talents could be spent looking for insane myspace teen pages.
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