Thursday, March 30, 2006

Thank you Jland friends

Thank you JLand Friends

Thank you Jland friends for all of your kind thoughts when my father feel in and when we went to his funeral and even after that!:):) You are wonderful, you are great, you are the stuff best friends are made of!



Anonymous said...

No thanks needed..thats what friends are for.

Anonymous said...

You are more than welcome, no thanks needed. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

HUGS!  Welcome back.... and no thanks needed... friends are friends... are friends.
love ya

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you're back!! Jeannette.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I know you have experienced a death in your family recently. There's a video being made for J-Land's 3rd BD. The video designer would like to also include an area in it for those J-Landers/or family that have passed in the past 3 yr. He does an awesome job with great respect toward your loved one. If you'd like to have you beloved in the video, please send  Stevie a photo & date of passing.
TY & God Bless,

Anonymous said...

I know you have experienced a death in your family recently. There's a video being made for J-Land's 3rd BD. The video designer would like to also include an area in it for those J-Landers/or family that have passed in the past 3 yr. He does an awesome job with great respect toward your loved one. If you'd like to have you beloved in the video, please send  Stevie a photo & date of passing.
TY & God Bless,

his link