Thursday, November 3, 2005

Oh No! Jim forgot to turn on the configuration button....

Oh No! ..Jim forgot to turn on the configuration button.!..

Assignment  from John Scalzi

..".I am looking into an instrument that magnifies the entrance to Jim's porthall, which is just barely open...and you will not be pleased, Jude, with what I am seeing!.... Jude, Jim forgot to turn on the configuration button when he set the ascribed descriptive measurements for his model... He messed up his eyes ,which I need to get to, I'm afraid that they will loose their focusing ability if I don't adjust them soon...His brain may have hardening gelatinous substance; after all I don't know how long his model has been forced to obey commands without proper

tools...You know,Jude, if we don't get to him fast, it may confuse and bother him so much taht he looses focus and therefore is unable to do the computer setup for reentry on our way back...Please help me out if you can..Can you reach Jim on your remote?



Anonymous said...

Hehehe....can you do anything about the hands.

Anonymous said...

Who's the goofy guy on the right?

Anonymous said...

I'm cracking up over here!

Anonymous said...
