Paul Little's CarnivAOL
It's time to check Paul LIttle's CarnivAOL again!Here is the address:
I can promise you it's very varied! You will find journals about two children, about a grandchild, about sad memories of a father, about a great dinner with a mother who has had chemotherapy, about how girls can vent their anger and get even !... about how we all wear masks and why ...and even about poetry.... and Paul's vacation in Italy! Woopee!There is also an antry about a long way home / adventures while driving a child home from work! So go and enjoy!
ALso Paul would like us to submit entrie for the next coming CarniVAOL!
Paul really is doing a grat job with his CarnivAOL! What a great place to read and discover new journals.
I've never heard of this journal or of CarnivAOL. I am totally out of the loop with newer journals. I don't know who I would submit as every journal I read is touching.
Hugs and love,
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