Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Nowhere but up- A story about New Orleans

Nowhere but Up - A Story about New Orleans

A girl turned and came around to where I sat .Shee introduced herself -"Hi. I'm Sally," he said. "What is your name?" "Susan", I replied. She sat down next to me .She was holding a rag doll with blond yarn hair...

"How are you?" I asked.

"Oh fine... "

"Did you sleep last night?"

"Alittle bit.. . the dreams keep coming ..and  then ... I wake up....

Have you seen my cousin Sarah?

"What dreams?"

"I dream ...I see the flood coming in... .

some people don't make it...I see them too...

Then, I  dream  about other kids..

the kids and parents ..who are still here..


"some people are lost .their families cannot find them.."

even with the sheriffs here when they went around in boats..

or the helicopters on rooftops..."

I pat her on the back.

"You have  lots of family still here at the shelter...."

She shirks ..recoiling..her pupils somehow bigger

"Oh yeah.... "she nods.."some are here"  . she shakes her head...

"what is it ?"

"There are so many people out there who need  help..

And no one can get to them....

in time...."

"Oh.."I said...

"Sally? "

"Yeah?" She looked up at me with those big brown eyes and beautiful nose...

"Ok..let's say we are here..okay?" I point down to our feet.


"And now that we have the levees repaired and the National Guard is here....

we can go nowhere  but trust me on this?"I pointed to aplace high up on the wall...






Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

It's always the children who will carry the scars of such horrors with them for the rest of their lives.  But, as the story above shows, there is hope and progress is being made.  We should be thankful for the progress.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful story. I love when you do stories.

Anonymous said...


This is very poignant. I could see the people you are describing because it is more than likely happening just this way. Well written!

Always, Carly :)

Anonymous said...

"Nowhere But Up" Three simple words that say soooooo much!!

Anonymous said...

That is a sad story...

Anonymous said...

Absolutely...nowhere but up.  

Be well,

Anonymous said...

eerie and touching

Anonymous said...

Unless we were there, we can never really know what that was like. For the girl or the reporter. Thanks for sharing it.