Monday, August 22, 2005

Two Years of Journal land

It's been two years Hip hip Hoera!

Thanks to all of you who have been supportive of me here in J Land! You are great people and I appreciate you!

Thank you to our leader John Scalzi too!

Lots of inspiration there!

I like the fact that we listen to each other and that we are supported -the one to the other.

I have a journal entry about that "Sticking up for your beliefs". It is so cool that we all have different ideas and different styles !It is cool  that we all respect one another!

Warm fuzzies all around!

hugs, natalie


Anonymous said...

Yes Happy Anniversary

Anonymous said...

Yes one has to love warm fuzzies.  :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing better than "warm fuzzies" : )

Anonymous said...

Happy 2nd year Anniversary to you too!!!  Glad you made it into Journal Land!!!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Warm fuzzies right back at you, Natalie!  Happy 2nd Anniversary!