Big Kudoes for Schindler's List
It was a beautiful evening in my friends' garden and both of them had set out a sumptuous feast for their guests.I was enjoying my soda water; staring dreamily at their pines and flowers which were cozily shrouded in mist.It was my turn...
"We saw Schindler's List...I hadn't wanted to see it because I thought it might have been gory, but it wasn't too gory...Danny had wanted us to see it..."
"Oh,"she said."We went with our whole family to see it."
"Oh." I said.
My other good freind turned to face me.
"I was in a camp as a child,"he said.
(Wow I thought).
"Really Sam?"looking over at him...
"You never said.." "How awful for you!" I frowned, feeling terrible for him and his family.
"How old were you?" I asked.
"Nine." he said.
"Of the thousands who went into the camp, very few survived.Of the many children who went in, very few lived through it."
I looked at him, sad and dumbfounded.
"Gosh Sam, I'm really sorry..."
"We went back to see it after the war.
The buildings that we had lived in were totally delapidated and torn up.There was a building called Hotel Smits which always was well lit up and had many flower boxes in front of it.We never knew why it was so bright. Now I know it was bright so that they could watch us better.
"There was another little boy in the camp.He had made me a drawing in the camp so long ago. He found my address in the states a few years ago and he mailed my that picture. I was amazed..."
It is a very good movie, everyone needs to see it.
I own Schindlers list on vhs and dvd. i love that movei
tHAT IS a beautiful and touching story. Thank you for sharing that. I am like you, I cannot even imagine the horrors the jewish people went through.
No one deserves to be imprisoned based on that.
No one deserves to be killed based on that.
Thankfully, the Nazi party was demolished.
I saw parts of it and had to leave. I am lucky that way. I want to see the full movie if it comes on TV again. I keep looking for it. I enjoyed that story. I would like to hear more even if he has more to tell. That is just too amazing to hear. The survival stories I have heard have always been inspiring and so amazing to me. I could tell the character it built in the people. This is a really good one Nat. Encore?
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