Thursday, July 21, 2005

Credit card users beware...ouch!

Beware the bite!Ouch

Hi Guys! Be careful and tell me please what you think of this: according to the media the government has decided to charge you twice the minimum on any credit card for your purchase! Talk about accelerated debt! What do you think they are doing this for..let me know...hugs...


Anonymous said...

Haven't heard of that yet...

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what's going on out there in the business world.  But, if the credit card companies are going to ask that you pay twice your minimum payment each month wouldn't that mean that your credit card would be paid off quicker?!  I think that's a good idea in a way, less interest to pay back if you pay it off sooner than you would have of by paying only the minimum payment each month.
Hugs and love, Lisa