Sunday, October 24, 2010

Facebook: What do you think of it?

What do you think of Facebook?
Lately Senorita has some intersting comments about it in her blog..what do you think?

Statins: What do you think?

I had a family member prescribed statins.
I have read that they can have harmful effects,,,
What is your opinion?

A book report on "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortensen

'Three Cups of Tea" by Mortensen combines athleticism (climbing Himalayan mountains which is dangerous)and pursuing education for the youth of his village... It is a true tale... and yet.. when you read about his dissapointments ; it is heart breaking! He once had a village leader from Korphe named Changaziremove his hard-won school supplies from his village of Skardu and taking them to Korphe without permission... causing him great heartache...
It is a miracle that all of is woes did not drive him from this place; and yet he and some wonderful people made the school happen!

Leave comments...

Friday, September 10, 2010

A book review of "Into the Woods" by Harlan Cohen

A book review of "Into the Woods" by Harlan Cohen

A public defender attorney Mr. Copeland and his friend Sylvia get together to solve a tragedy from their common past.

In order to put the pieces together these two have to dig deeply into the lives of their friends at the time.

Insightful, bold and suspenseful this well written book holds a surprise for all...

What do you think? Would you order this book from Amazon?

A book review of "A Dirty Blonde" by Lisa Scottoline

A book review of "A Dirty Blonde" By Lisa Scottoline

Lisa Scottoline portrays the life of a newly appointed federal judge Cate Fante with verve and panache...

Fante and her friend Gina receive more than theri share of hard knocks and surprises int his tale...

Thankfully, Cate , her friend Gina and her child Warren band together like a band of brothers..

Scottoline talks about the personal tragedies and triumphs of Fante with a rare wit and warmth..
A poignant story...

What do you think? Would you order this book from Amazon?

Remember 9/11 Victims Tomorrow

Remember 9/11 Tomorrow...
The victims and the heroes should not be forgotten...
I remember the sheer horror of the event...
My family was upended by the terror that New York faced...
Where were you?
Send love, prayers and good thoughts to New Yorkers...
New Yorkers who survived say:
"We will never forget...
We will remember...all that the heroes and the victims sacrificed on 9/11...
It will never happen again....We will never forget.."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

What did Iceland's ash do to Eurpe?

April 15, 2010

Iceland's Volcanic Ash halts flights across Europe
by Robert Barr and Jill Landers

An ash cloud from Iceland's volcano halted any flights in and out of Europe. tens of thousands of people are stranded. It is not sure when they can fly again.
We are feeling sad and troubled for the stranded passengers and for the European , who are effectively isolated from an air travel for awhile...
Please think about these people and send them your good thoughts and prayers...
we hope that they will be ok... They are our friends...

Poilsh President Lech Kacynski died ina a plane crash

BBC News
April 10,2010

The Polish President Mr. Kaczynski died suddenly after his plane crashed mysteriously in Russia with his top aids. The pilot ignored requests for him not to land...
Mr. Kaczynski was a great leader and a good friend to the United States .
We are very sad for their loss and the loss to the world.An investigation is pending...
Please leave your thoughts and comments for the Polish people.