Friday, September 29, 2006

Tell us About Your Mischief:Scalzi's Assignment

Google did the pictures

Tell Us About Your Mischief!

(JohnM.Scalzi's Assignment)

(Or Athenas'?:):) wink)

There are perhaps many things I could talk about...:)

one time, my stepgrandfather wanted to babysit me so my parents could eat dinner with my grandmother... my father said he tried to talk him out of it, but, no go, so...

We were seated on a balcony and he was trying to feed me dinner... so... everything I didn't like, like mashed potatoes, I just lobbed at him with my spoon and laughed!

Okay Now it's your turn!


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Congratulate Jeff! He's the new Journals Editor

Google did the pictures

Congratulate Jeff! He's the New Journals Editor!

Jeff Simmerman at:

He writes that we can visit him now at Magic Smoke instead of PixelPusher!

I wish Joe well and I wish him much happiness in his new position! Bye Joe! We will miss you!

I welcome Jeff Simmerman! He is very kind, very creative, a great writer and lots of fun!

Please write your words to both here!


Monday, September 25, 2006

Airplanes, Tigers and Bears: Oh My!

Google did the pictures

Airplanes, Tigers and Bears :Oh My!

(The above title is a spoof on what Dorothy said in theWizard of Oz when she was momentarily!)


Sept.25, 2006

CNN announced that the airplanes will allow one small zip lock per person in your luggage that may hold :cosmetics, one toothpaste and one shampoo. Are you happy about the news? tell us what you think...


more Google pictures

Follow Up:Our blogger Bea Gilmore has explained to me that Flat Dads are carry overs from Flat Stanleys at many elementary schools! (Go Stanley!)

She also said that children could make a flat parentat home; along with drawing with dad or mom in a small sketch pad  ; which would be left at home for safety purposes. So what do you think, would this help?

Google did the pictures

A New Vaccine

Popular Science

August, 2006

Scientists are thinking that if they add a protein that appears on the surface of viruses called M2 , it could be affective! Get this: it could be soooo effective that it could fight viruses that we have not seen yet!!!

huh???!!!! :):) What do you think about that one?

Tell us!




Sunday, September 24, 2006

Vernae is back! Please go visit her!

Google did the pictures

Vernae is back!Please go visit her!

Please go visit Vernae! She is a wonderful person; she is a friend to all and a great family person!She has a great sense of humor and her writing is very good!

Her graphic art is exceptionally good and very colorful!:):)


PHOTO + Graphix

Hugs, natalie




Thursday, September 21, 2006

National Guard Families:Do you Think Flat Daddys Can Help Families Cope?

Google did the pictures


September 18,2006

National Guard families

"Do you think Flat Daddys Can Help National Guard Families Cope?"

CBS interviewed a family who used a "flat Daddy" for the children to remember that their father cared about them very much; even though he was far over seas!

It was an interesting if not mind boggling experience; because "flat Daddy" went to school events, he went along to grab a meal with the family or go to school.

So tell us, do you think you would use a "Flat Daddy" if your spouse was in the service? Do you think a FD

can be effective as far as a kind reminder to the children that their daddy is thinking of them and that he will be attentive to them when he returns?

Please let us knwo what you think!


JamieLeeCurtis's new book "What is the Human Race"?

Google did the pictures

CBS September 19,2006

Jamie Lee Curtis's New Book:"What is the Human Race?" seems Marvelous

Jamie Lee Curtis was interviewed about what her new book was about for children on CBS, and I was quite impressed with her repsonses. She talked about how rushed and stressed children are today! She said that to children life is a giant race! Curtis is a motherand she places a lot of importance on parenting and giving shildren time adn attention so that parents will nurture theri children's self esteem.

She said that  parents need to explain to their kids that they do not have to win all of the time; just try to do their best!

I like her honesty, her love for children and her choice of illustrations.

Tell us what you think of Curtis's book. What other children's books do you enjoy?


Do you like or dislike baseball?(Scalzi's assignment)

Google did the pictures

Do you Like Baseball?

(Athena Scalzi gave us this weekend assignwmnt Jland!Hi Athena!:)

I love baseball!As a kid,I loved going out to the ballpark! the fresh air, grass and open spaces were so great! And then there was the fun of getting assigned a position and waiting for the other team to go to bat! It was awesome!:):)

It was fun to run around in the field and our team had such a great team feeling!

Ah! I love to go as an adult now with our kid! Nothing has changed and it is so wonderful!

It is great to watch too!

Now it is your turn! Please tell us what you think about baseball! Did you like it as a kid and do you like it now? you can also post a link here or at John Scalzi's blog "By the Way".TY

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What Did the New Pope Mean?Do you Miss the Old Pope?

Google did the pictures

What Did the New Pope Mean?

Do you miss the Old Pope?

Our new Pope was speaking at a university when he suddenly refered to "Muslims : the followers of Islam; a violent religion  which seeks to harm Christians..."

He inspired  a large set of violent happenings worldwide among Muslims who felt hurt and violated because they felt that we Westerners were seeking to make their religion out as not good enough.

Why would he want this?Why would you want this?

Do you miss our old Pope? The one who wanted to inspire world peace and working together? Our old Pope, the one who forgave his would be assasin and made him his friend?The Pope who asked the Jews to forgive the mistakes of the church during the Holocaust? Do you miss him?

Let us know what you think please.



He Walks Alone

This poem is one of a few written in honor of a friend of mine who has recently been widowed and is grieving. It is a contribution to my own honoring of her and grieving.

Google did the pictures

He Walks Alone

He walks alone

without her

the wind blows hard

against his frame

Her memory fosters

pain and love;

love and pain

stab him



the sun


He sleeps

Another day

is gone 

and fitful dreams

of love's caring idol


 Lost stars

beckon him and

she feels him

calling her




Explode My Heart

Google did the pictures

Explode My Heart

Explode my heart

Pop Out

The happy memories

 of days

Filled with playful

Romping stomping



My Heartstrings Stretched

So Wide

I thought

I'd pass;

this life

is going

much too fast! 

I thought:

No memory is

As Perfect

As you


Even when

you sleep


you inspire


She Walks On Snow Without a Trace

Google did these

She Walks on Snow Without a Trace

(Introduction : this is apoem in honor of a friend who has recently died. It is a contribution to my grieving process and atribute to her.)

She walks on snow

without a trace

her spirit runs under the ice

he feels her face;

he speaks of her

to pass the knife;

<FONTCOLOR=#040080 size="5">to turn Love's Sword

of wonder days

and dark luscious nights

into Celebration



Her heart fills

His solomn eyes;

Ah were she still here!

Hey Jland! Charley is back!Go and See Him!

Google did these pictures

Hey Jland! Charley is back!

Go and Visit!


 I was reading a journal tonight when I looked at one comment and sat up straight! It was Charley!:):)

Charley went on a journey; and now he's back!:):)

He got an interesting job at a university!


:):) cool huh?


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Go Nominate Journals For Vivis

This graphic is for us! Jackie created it!

Hurry over to Vivis and nominate journals that you want people to go look at!

here is the link:

It's supposed to give us a taste for journals we have not read yet!

I would personally like to see a community journal and a kid journal added as well as particular inspirational journals(category related)

tells us what you like!


Go for it! It's not the election! that is later!

And come on British Isles!:)


Saturday, September 16, 2006

How Much May a Teen Drink (alcohol) Before College?

Google did the pictures

How Much May A Teen Drink (alcohol) Before College?

I am aware that teens are  developing still and that they need tons of strcuture and supervision by their parents.

Some high school Heads think that they need to "turn in" kids to other school Heads if a teen or an adult sees them drinking a beer at a party. Okay so how is this verified?(Avoiding wrong rumors).

Do you think it might be better to verify the homes wiht absentee parents (gone on trips,etc.) and see whether or not theyare serving alochol?

Please leave your thoughts TY


What Saddens you?/Or/ What angers you?

Google did the pictures

What Saddens you? or What Angers you?

This is an equal opportunity to vent.

I am sad that young people (preteen to young adult) or seniors are not given the opportunity to contribute what?..

to a a job setting , to a job, in a creative setting, to our arts.

I am also sad/mad that young people are seniors are "written off"!

Now it's your turn! Tell us!