Google did the pictures
Airplanes, Tigers and Bears :Oh My!
(The above title is a spoof on what Dorothy said in theWizard of Oz when she was momentarily baffled.lol!)
Sept.25, 2006
CNN announced that the airplanes will allow one small zip lock per person in your luggage that may hold :cosmetics, one toothpaste and one shampoo. Are you happy about the news? tell us what you think...

more Google pictures
Follow Up:Our blogger Bea Gilmore has explained to me that Flat Dads are carry overs from Flat Stanleys at many elementary schools! (Go Stanley!)
She also said that children could make a flat parentat home; along with drawing with dad or mom in a small sketch pad ; which would be left at home for safety purposes. So what do you think, would this help?

Google did the pictures
A New Vaccine
Popular Science
August, 2006
Scientists are thinking that if they add a protein that appears on the surface of viruses called M2 , it could be affective! Get this: it could be soooo effective that it could fight viruses that we have not seen yet!!!
huh???!!!! :):) What do you think about that one?
Tell us!