Thursday, March 30, 2006

Mind over Medicine

Mind Over Medicine


March 27, 2006

In 1845,hypnosis  was used to put patients under in India.Then docotors quit until 1958 when American Medical Association sugessted that they use it again.

Positive Talent from the Multitasking Generation

Positive Talent from the Multitasking Generation


March 27, 2006

Claudia Koonz says that Generation M students are talented at analyzing visual images and manuplating information. Koonz is a professor at Duke University.

Is this your belief? Have you observed this?What do you think?


The Multitasking Generation, PartI

The Multitasking Generation, Part I



Anthropologist Elinor Ochs, director of  UCLA's Center on Evryday Lives of Families found a lot of multitasking was going on in the thirty two families that she studied. She is not sure that children can monitor all of thse things all of the time.This will have major consequences for the family she says.

Ochs' team found that when the other parent came home at night the children and the one parents were too busy with their tech devices to even notice that the other parent was home.

What do you think about this? Have you seen families around you struggle with this isssue ? Or do you find it a dead issue?

Next Years' Oscars

Next Years' Oscars

USA Today

March 17, 2006

The next Oscars according to Susan Wloszczyna will be major releases and they will be directed by big name directors.Martin Scorese , Oliver Stone  and Ridley Scott.

Are you excited? becasue I am! great actors abound too!Wheee!

Mel Gibson's new film Apolcalypto


March 2006

Mel Gibson and Apolcalypto

Mel Gibson is producinga new film that will come out in August under the Disney label about the Mayan civilsation and the human slavery and human scarifices that it featured around the 600s in Mexico and Guatemala.The leadesr at that time sad thta more sacrifices had to be made and more temples had to be built if the crops were to be good.

The writers of this movie had hoped that this would somehow be a rallying call to us for our sanity to prevail. What do you think?

And will you go see it?

I enjoy Mel Gibson usually so I am curious about it.

Jill Carroll is set free!

Jill Carroll is set free!


March 31, 2006

Jill Carroll was set free! She had been kidnapped for some time and I was totally surprised that they set her free in Iraq! It is knot known yet what motivated the captors to set her free  but I am very thankful that they did! She is a very kind person who is ajournalist and who wanted to help people in Iraq.Hurrah!

Thank you Jland friends

Thank you JLand Friends

Thank you Jland friends for all of your kind thoughts when my father feel in and when we went to his funeral and even after that!:):) You are wonderful, you are great, you are the stuff best friends are made of!


Sunday, March 12, 2006

My Best of Blogs, Part II

My Best of Blogs, Part II

Shermeen is a wonderful young woman who attends London Metropolitan University; currently majoring in Politics and International Relations. She is deeply n love with Adam and much of her writing speaks to that deep love.She also writes about London, England and her busy life there; juggling her study time with spending time with Adam and her siblings and cousins. A great read!

Dan, "DPoemP.", is a great humorist and awriter from the frozen tundra of Wisconsin.His descriptive power,humor,and compassion for his feelow man all contribute to his work. Dan's written many short stories, poems, plays and essays; however, these days, he's recently been focusing his creative efforts into the writing of two novels.Let's hope he gets them finished soon.Dan says to stop by and say hello!He says he has pony-rides and free cake for the first 50 visitors. a DistractedMind/

Marti's blog

Marti lives in Alabama in a middle sized coastal town. Her best friend on life's adventures is her husband Tom.Her girls are 15 and 24 and they are the two greatest teachers that she has.

She is blessed with a huge extended family related not by blood but by love. The thing in her life that she is rpudest of is that on her 49th birthday she had such a party that the porch collapsed from the weight of the revelers!One of those great problems in too much food for the fridge, too much money to fit in your of all is too many friends for the porch!

Porch Stories

Karen Blocher lives in Tucson, Arizona where she is teh author of magazine articles, unpublished Mavarin and Joshua Wander novels. She's marreid and she works as an accountatn nd a church webmaster.She writes Outpost Mavarin about the wonders of life and writing.

Messages from Mavarin is more about the fantasy of the writing experience.


Musings from Mavarin

Bea's blog

Bea's blog has been acombination of fun reading/writing and introspection. Her earliest entry was about an ant habitat tahtshe started at a teacher work shop in Pisgah National Forest. She wrote about it for two weeks.

In the fall, as a part of the STARBASE prgram that came to her school, she got to ride in the Black Hawk helicopter.

Dianna's journal is poignant. She is engaged.

She features exceptional poetry and her own graphics.

Tina's blog

She says that her blog is her effort to sum up what is going on inside of her head and outside of her head and trying to make sense of the two.


Friday, March 10, 2006

Life Out There ? Sure!

Life Out There?..Sure...

John Scalzi posed this question to us...Is there life out there? Based on what scientists have said I think water ahs been found buried underground in some of the "new" planets and I've been told that this is a strong indicator of life.

umm something close to ourselves might be found , but probably in the next galaxy. I loved what my fellow journaler Bea said:"unles some one invents a way for us to travel through a wormhole to the other galaxy we won't get there!

What do you think?Post your thoughts here please or leave me a link .


My Best of the Blogs, Part I

My Best of the Blogs Part I

I going to be writing a bit about my favorite blogs.

You have already read my entry for Ondine Monet ,

, Sam,

 and Nightmaremom,

  I will be covering different people each time I do this. I regret that I cannot furnish links to private blogs because there are some wonderful ones here .

Monponsett is a great sports writer! Her blog features great articles about football, soccer and basketball teams and games.She is a brilliant photographer and her sense of humor has me laughing in stitches!:):)

Spencer writes original poetry at his place.His imagination will certainly stir up many emotions and his imagery takes the reader to many places.

I talked to Paul Little and we both think that his journal defies desciption!Paul is a brilliant technorati and an original iconoclast!

Penny has been a missionary in Mexico for years now;she founded an orphanage there and ran it for many years.Some of the entries are devoted to the wonderful children that she has there and their amazing adventures! 

She and her husband have returned to Mexico to help out in part and also to write a book about her experiences!Penny is an inspiring writer, a wonderful person and agreat friend.

Dawn writes a great journal about her three children, her husband, and about Rheumatoid Arthritis. Her journal is very touching, romantic and colorful! Lots of inpspiration can be found here.

Note: this is the first of a series of entries heralding

excellence in bloggery! More to come...

Lori's blog

Lori is a small town girl who, in addition to being a stay at home mother and wife, is learning more about who she is.

She is very passioante about her girls and about music. Music helps her survive. Sometimes her blog is serious, sometimes it is silly, but it is always honest.She doesn't need to sugarcoat things to ehr readers. Her goal is to be real.

Who I am...Underneath it all Me/



Thursday, March 9, 2006

My Dad is Dying/Tell Us about Your Dad

My Dad Is Dying

Tell us some thing Lovely Your Dad Did

The big guy needs to take a big trip... He has been very ill for ten years.

You might say that he has big shoes to fill..He had fun as a young man and he earned money to but his own car! He blew up his father's shed one day trying to make beer!He had a great sense of humor and he played the guitar... he had to suffer through bad times in America and his Dad sold his car to pay for the family. Basically he had to give up his dream of college to become a doctor for the family.He worked very hard his whole life. He adopted my first stepmother's kid and he loves him so much. My first stepmother got the fatal form of cancer.Then she died of cancer,after my dad took care of her.

He remarried my curretn stepmother who is still alive today and he put her kids through college and he still loves them today.My stepmother has cancer(breast cancer). He saw her through all of that and now she is a survivor.She is a wonderful woman and we are all so proud of her. She was first a school teacher.Before she got cancer she had studied and became a social worker.She helped many people.

Both of these wonderful people instilled in us great beliefs. They wanted us to aspire to fulfill our dreams and to help others fulfill theirs.

He has polio before they invented a cure so now the polio has been really eating him away. He got Alzheimers too.

I will miss him.

Your turn.

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

The Movie Crash

The Movie Crash

This movie won the Academy award for best movie!

The crash production people were so astonished that it was areal rush to see them go up and get their Oscar!

Very cool!It's supposed to be about people of different races having a car wreck and how the racial stereotypes affect how they respond to each other . The stereotypes give them problems taht they have to resolve.

So hey, how do you feel about them getting this award?

I like it, but who did you think should have won?

Leave acomment please.

Compassion, Love , and Patience

Compassion, Love and Patience

I have dear friends here and I told them that there is nothing more important than love, followed by compassion in my opinion.

You can have "nothing" and be happy or you can have "the world on a string" and be happy if you have love.

Love is not proud and it is not impatient: it endures all hardships and it helps all people. Likewise love does not judge nor discriminate; it brings people together.

Compassion insists that we keep trying to see the other person and walk in her shoes a bit. It is true that even when you may not share all of your friend's beliefs a compassionate person will try to still be there for the other person in as much as they can. This does not mean that they do not have beliefs; but when these two are important to you they are key and other things have to follow.

Patience is key also becasue instead of getting the other person all riled up why not try to talk through it?

What am I saying? I'm saying that if you are loving and caring person and youare trying to help your freinds and family , all are wiht you. Who can be against you? not me.

Please write in your comments. Respectfully.



Magnetars the new stars

Magnetars the New Stars

In 1999, Dr. Robert Mallori of the University of Alabama discovered a new star, a magnetar.They get their energy from erupting magnetic fields, They

actually rip themselves apart. The radiation released from the xrays in 2004 was so strong it cut off some radio communications on earth for five minutes.

This neuron star forms when a supernova explodes like a supernova; blowing off its' outer layer while its' inner core collapses. The explosion of the star makes the magnetic field rotate around it faster.In 10,00 years the magnetic explosions wear off.

Dana Reeves, wife of Christopher Reeves, passed away

Dana Reeves Passed Away Today


Dana Reeves, the wife of Christopher Reeves, passed away from lung cancer.She was a wonderful person, beloved by her husband, son and many people in the world.She gave up her work in the entertainment business for ten years to be with her husband after he became paralysed in a horseback riding accident. She was a great role model because she and her husband set up a foundation for the research into paralysis ( stem cell reserach).

She returned to acting for a few years before she died at Christopher's insistence.

I will miss her warmth, her strength in the face of great sorrow, her unrelentles optimism and her fighting spirit. She refused to bend to sorrow and pessimism.

Please leave words of respect in tribute to Dana.

Monday, March 6, 2006

Corps of Engineers Work Hard to Build Dikes or Levees

Corps Of Engineers Work Hard to Build New Levees


The Corps of Engineers has been working night and day on reinforcing the levees that gave away when Hurricane Katrina struck. The beginning problem was that the front of these levess had nothing but dirt and the storm eroded this dirt. The new problem is time; they are busy constructing concrete bases on both sides ; and at the same time they fear that they will not be able to finish  until this summer.

What do you think about this? Please leave a comment.I am hoping that we will give them credit and respect for working on a project that isfacing insurmountable odds due to time restraints.
